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dérèglement hormonale

What are the causes and symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women?

Our hormones control and regulate different parts of our body. As soon as a change occurs, this entire system, carefully regulated like clockwork, finds itself disrupted: our physical and psychological balance is then compromised. This is called hormonal dysregulation.

Why do we say hormonal imbalance?

The endocrine system: conductor of the body

Symptoms of hormonal imbalances.

Made up of several glands including the endocrine glands, the endocrine system coordinates and dictates the functions of our body.

These major glands are internal and are defined as follows:

  • The hypothalamus ;
  • The pituitary gland ;
  • Thyroid ;
  • The parathyroid glands;
  • The cells of the pancreatic islets;
  • The adrenal glands;
  • The testicles for men;
  • The ovaries for women.

Essential to the proper functioning of our body, these glands secrete hormones. A hormone is a chemical substance that travels through the blood to organs or tissues to transmit a biological message to orchestrate our basic bodily functions. If all our hormones scrupulously respect their missions, harmony reigns within our body: heartbeat, strong emotions, body temperature, sleep cycles, assimilation of food, etc. But, as soon as their production is disrupted, an entire physical but above all psychological balance disappears: well-being and health are disrupted and it becomes important to determine where these dissonances come from.

More than 60,000 billion cells exchange information, each as complex as the next, in order to make our body function. Like a musical score, everything is ingeniously orchestrated to avoid the slightest false note.

When this happens, several symptoms appear and the most common are:

  • Tiredness ;
  • Headaches or even migraines;
  • Hair loss;
  • Insomnia;
  • Digestive disorders;
  • Weight gain or loss;
  • Mood swings;
  • Irregular periods ;
  • Excessive sweating.

There are many causes that can explain these hormonal disorders that occur throughout our lives, regardless of our age or gender. However, certain periods remain more conducive to these disturbances, such as puberty, pregnancy and menopause. In men, the main disorder is characterized by a testosterone deficiency: this is hypogonadism.

In the vast majority of cases, these disorders are not serious but they can cause more serious problems such as:

  • Diabetes ;
  • Obesity ;
  • Infertility.

Understanding hormonal imbalance in women

Female hormonal imbalances are frequently caused by the thyroid glands and sexual glands. To understand what is happening, we must then look at a woman's menstrual cycle as well as the fluctuations in hormones during this period.

It is during puberty that the first periods appear. They will return cyclically on average every 28 days and will last approximately 3 to 5 days. During the first phase of the cycle, the pre-ovulatory phase, the endometrium thickens under the effect of estrogen . A peak occurs during ovulation to release the oocyte. If there is no fertilization, menstruation appears. Otherwise, estrogen levels drop and progesterone takes over to prepare the uterus to welcome the egg to implant there.

Thyroid hormones regulate our metabolism in various aspects such as growth, muscle strength, digestion, vascular function etc.

Two disorders exist:

  • Hyperthyroidism;
  • Hypothyroidism.

Hyperthyroidism means that thyroid hormones are produced in excess so the metabolism speeds up due to this overproduction.

Otherwise, hypothyroidism suggests a deficiency of thyroid hormones. Metabolism is sluggish and many of the body's metabolic functions slow down as a result. This phenomenon affects women over 50 more often.

The causes of hormonal imbalance

Puberty and menopause, key moments in a woman's life

Many causes promote hormonal disorders but puberty and menopause are the two natural, specific causes responsible for these upheavals.

During puberty , the body changes to allow reproduction. This transition between childhood and adulthood occurs early in a girl: this will have repercussions on the adolescent's personality and physique. We can count on approximately 6 years for this process to be completed. The overproduction of hormones promotes the development of breasts, pubic hair, the change in appearance of the vulva as well as the labia majora, the hips become rounder and the first periods appear. This physical development will also lead to the activation of the apocrine glands, responsible for the intensity of perspiration and body odor. At the same time, the high production of sebum increases the appearance of acne because the skin is oilier. Good personal hygiene will help reduce bad odors, just as support and listening will be important during this delicate period of puberty.

An inevitable stage in a woman's life, menopause occurs naturally around the age of 45-50 when menstruation and fertility definitively stop. Eh yes ! The ovarian follicles age and the ovaries will stop producing estrogen: the vaginal mucous membranes dry out and the vaginal flora is more vulnerable to infections. Before that, the gradual decline in hormone production will cause uncomfortable symptoms to appear such as hot flashes, irregular periods , reduced libido , urinary weakness, etc. On the other hand, stopping the production of hormones affects health since it increases the risk of osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases .

Pollution and endocrine disruptors

Nowadays, pollution and endocrine disruptors are all around us.

Pollution exists in various forms. Tobacco, global warming, heavy metals impact the activity of the thyroid glands. Endocrine disruptors , for their part, are chemical substances, invisible to the naked eye, which are present in many everyday products such as cosmetics, toys, textiles and even in food. The best known are bisphenol A (BPA), pesticides, parabens, phthalates, glyphosate, etc. These molecules disrupt and mimic our hormones and transmit false information to our hormonal system. These disturbances can promote the appearance of diseases such as breast and ovarian cancers but also weight gain which can lead to obesity or even infertility .

Simple actions can limit exposure to these, to do this, you must:

  • Promote “homemade” food as much as possible;
  • If you are reheating a dish, avoid plastic;
  • Reduce the number of cleaning products;
  • Pay attention to the composition of your cosmetic products;
  • Washable hygienic protection;
  • Avoid atmospheres smoked by tobacco;
  • Vacuum cleaner and mop will be your essentials for dusting your interior.

The need to listen to your body allows you to detect the symptoms of a possible hormonal imbalance . The most difficult thing is to be able to take a step back from your lifestyle and not hesitate to consult your doctor or gynecologist in order to determine the causes of this hormonal disorder . Our hormones play an essential role as biological messengers to our organs. We must preserve this communication so as not to disrupt our entire metabolic balance.

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