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Musk: an exceptional elixir

A raw material of animal origin, musk is a popular ingredient for perfumers but also for pharmacopoeias. Whether fruity , floral, woody or spicy , the musky scent is irresistible! We like to wear it as close as possible to our body because it fascinates and is adorned with a thousand scents. Nowadays, musk perfumes the existence of thousands of men and women.

Discover its origins and its use, this wild fragrance has become a skin-deep scent ritual .

Musk: an organic substance that has become a synthetic molecule

An essence of animal perfume

Its unsuspected origins

An endemic species of Asia, the musk deer is a mammal that has led a peaceful existence in these highlands for millennia. During its rutting period, the animal emits an intense odor in order to attract females. The fumes it leaves in its wake interest the natives who decide to unravel its secret. It is then necessary to extract the precious perfume by killing the animal to recover a pocket, located between the navel and its reproductive glands, which contains a brownish substance: musk . But, once out of the beast, this liquid dries! However, it retains its consistency and its olfactory properties as long as it is warm against the beast. Other animals of course can also produce these scents described as musk, such as the civet, the beaver or the ox. The supply and production of animal musk being uncertain, man ended up finding other solutions.

His transformation

Since Antiquity it has been considered a luxury product with many virtues. It is believed to have stimulating, aphrodisiac or even medicinal properties. Natural musk is sold at a high price and is exported to the four corners of the world. Faced with strong demand, musk deer farms will flourish in China. But in captivity, the animal no longer secretes it, the essential element in perfumery. During the 19th century, the poor animal was the victim of poaching but since then, it has been a protected species. In its pure state, the natural product called Musk Tonkin has an intense and persistent odor of woody fragrant scents , mixed with fur and feces. It was necessary to wait for progress in chemistry for musk to reveal its potential by refining it with alcohol.

Musk: a masculine or feminine scent?

When it was discovered, it was first widely used by men for its powerful and animal smell . A symbol of virility, in the right dose, it remains soft and suave to such an extent that women will end up making it their own over time. In the Middle East, the use of musk is well established since the Prophet (sws) said: “Musk is the most fragrant of perfumes”. In the Muslim prophetic tradition, sunnah , musk is used at the end of the menstrual cycle: it is called tahara musk . Tahara means “to purify” in Arabic. Women use it after their great ablutions , a ritual washing, but men also use it to perfume themselves. We can legitimately ask ourselves whether musk is a product for men or women.

The essential cosmetics

From natural perfume to synthetic product

Highly controversial and controlled, musks of animal origin still exist but are prohibited. Its uplifting smell led to new alternatives being developed quickly. Man has done everything to artificially reproduce musk and make it more affordable. This ingredient is a must for major perfumers because its use helps mask bad odors thanks to its fixing effect which lasts a long time!

Today there are two types of musk:

  • Vegetable :

Many plants naturally have a musky odor . Made from flowers, vegetable musk is very popular in luxury perfumery because its subtle scent is inimitable and natural. It is obtained from plant extracts or seeds such as ambrette (from hibiscus), clary sage , angelica roots or even blackcurrant buds , etc. However, it remains very expensive if you use, for example, ambrette: the musk par excellence.

  • Synthetic :

Manufactured in a laboratory, synthetic musk passes several conformity tests and its production respects very strict specifications: it is white musk . The chemist Lavoslay Ružička isolated the precious molecule isolated for the first time and today it replaces animal musk. The difference between the two is certainly notable since white musk does not replace this original smell so characteristic of natural musk but it evokes a smell of freshness and cleanliness . Methods exist to reproduce it and they are divided into 3 groups:

  • polycyclics , not recommended for the environment and used by laundry detergent brands for their clean smell;
  • nitro -aromatics , chemical derivatives of explosives but currently banned;
  • macrocyclics , various molecules compose them including the famous muscone: key ingredient in perfumes.

Musk, a popular product

Thanks to this scientific advance, perfumeries around the world are creating musky products with enveloping, cottony or floral scents. White musk offers a varied olfactory palette with reproductions derived from spicy aromatic notes like ginger, mint or even floral like jasmine , peony or ylang-ylang . Musk perfumes are becoming popular, available endlessly, from fruity scents to powdery scents with exotic scents of vanilla or monoi . Widely used in care and hygiene products, such as shampoo, perfumed oils or lotions, it leaves a delicate scent on the skin but also in our homes. It is intended to be trendy since it is found for example in interior perfumes and decorative ambient products such as:

  • sprays;
  • broadcasters;
  • incense;
  • scented candles etc.

The musk of Musc Intime

Our scented musk is synthetic and French ! It is essential for us to offer you a quality product! For this, we decided to produce it in a French laboratory in order to have total control over the manufacturing chain of our products.

We are proud to offer you a musk:

  • MADE IN FRANCE: made in Grasse. 🇫🇷
  • ALCOHOL FREE: our product is alcohol-free . Indeed, given its application to hot areas of the body, we have developed a product which will be as respectful as possible of your delicate skin;
  • CRUELTY FREE: not tested on animals;
  • MADE WITH LOVE: thought and designed with love (and a lot of work).

Musk has been seducing for centuries and continues to delight the whole world with these delicate and sensual fragrances . The Musc Intimate brand has released a range of musky cosmetics, a real ode to femininity : yes, our products were designed by a woman for women! Whether in a box or as an individual product, fall for our sweet, delicious and irresistible perfumes. Make our musks an ally of your beauty, your feminine hygiene and reveal all your sensuality with Musc Intime.

You will have understood, at Musc Intime , our priority is you! We'll meet you in our store and on @muscintime . See you soon !

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